The Czech KPMG Legal office was established in August 2010. Its team features around 30 experts, many of whom also have economic degrees.
Radek is the founding partner of KPMG Legal and also the Managing Partner of the KPMG Czech Republic. In the year 2022 he was elected as a Chairman of the KPMG CEE Board. As an expert in financial institutions, he specialises in counselling for banks, investment companies and investment funds, including private equity. Radek has extensive experience in transaction advisory, investment structuring as well as international planning, financing and restructuring.
Radek actively cooperates with the Czech Banking Association, the Czech Leasing and Finance Association, the Czech Capital Market Association and the Czech Ministry of Finance.
Martin is the head of the legal office and is responsible for developing it in line with the latest legal and technological developments. He has been part of KPMG Legal since its creation.
His specialisation is in corporate law, transactions, restructuring and regulatory issues. He has broad experience with court and arbitration proceedings, including international arbitration.
Martin focuses on the legal aspects of multidisciplinary and special projects. He is also responsible for providing comprehensive legal advice for private clients and family businesses.
Jan has extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), private equity, joint ventures, and complex corporate reorganisations. His main focus is bringing together the legal and other consulting services offered by KPMG for transactions.
Jan has worked as the lead lawyer on a whole range of transactions, particularly in the engineering, automotive, retail, e-commerce, financial services, hospitality, renewables, TMT, food, life sciences, and chemical industry sectors, on behalf of domestic and international investors in the Czech and Slovak Republics as well as further afield in the CEE region. He also focuses on greenfield investment and outsourcing projects.
Viktor focuses on commercial and corporate law, public regulation and contentious issues.
He provides comprehensive legal advice to important international investors entering the Czech market, primarily from Asia. He is responsible for tax litigations and serves his clients as a counsel in court and arbitration proceedings – including cross-border disputes – and also in tax and administrative proceedings. At KPMG Legal, Viktor is in charge of personal data and privacy protection.
He also coordinates pro bono legal services for non-profit organisations.
Jana’s main specialisation is tax law, in particular comprehensive tax advisory for the financial sector and tax disputes. As part of advisory services for financial institutions, Jana focuses on corporate income tax as well as selected VAT issues, international tax aspects, and related procedural issues primarily for banks, insurance companies, and investment funds. Jana also focuses on procedural tax law, advisory in tax disputes and client representation in tax audit, appeal proceedings and subsequent judicial proceedings before regional courts and the Supreme Administrative Court. In this respect she has participated in a number of comprehensive projects, in particular relating to VAT and corporate income tax across different sectors ranging from financial institutions to production plants. Jana is a member of the Chamber of Tax Advisors.
Monika provides clients with comprehensive support in all compliance and regulatory areas. She focuses among others on contract law (law of obligations), public tendering law, and anti-money laundering (AML) measures, further providing related legal consulting, e.g., in the field of international sanctions
Pavla specialises in banking and financing and offers legal advisory for real estate. Pavla provides legal services to creditors and financing recipients and has extensive experience of all types of financing (especially acquisition, real estate, PPP project, and project financing, including syndicated loans) and cross-border transactions, especially in the CEE region and Slovakia. Pavla’s expertise also includes advisory in the sale of loan portfolios and the restructuring of loans and businesses. She has also advised financial institutions on acquisition transactions.
In real estate, she has represented clients in the purchase and sale of real estate (including due diligence), and in negotiations of lease contracts, contracts for work done, and real estate management contracts.
Ladislav primarily specialises in personal data protection law, and labour and corporate law. Ladislav has extensive experience in assessing the impacts of European legislation on Czech legislation. He has been engaged in a number of projects relating to the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). He also provides comprehensive advisory services relating to compliance and legislative compliance to foreign investors. In addition, Ladislav provides his clients with services focused on contract or competition law.
Barbora primarily specialises in labour law and the employment of foreign nationals.
As part of her practice she provides clients with comprehensive advice on matters of industrial relations. She focuses on the preparation and revision of internal documents and contracts, continuous advice on clients’ routine HR agendas, services related to the revision of labour-law compliance and the setting up of remuneration and benefit schemes. Barbora has assisted with reductions in employee numbers and collective bargaining negotiations. She also provides legal support regarding personal data processing, international assignments/secondments, resolutions of labour-law disputes, and specific international aspects of industrial relations. She advises in matters of civil and commercial law.
Martin focuses on intellectual property and information technology law, data protection and commercial law. He has experience in providing comprehensive cross-border legal advice, particularly pertaining to commercial transactions, copyright, privacy and personal data protection. He regularly lectures and publishes professional articles on IT/IP topics. In the past, he worked at several EU institutions.
Ľubica specialises in employment law and litigation. She provides clients with comprehensive legal advice primarily in employment law, creating and editing diverse employment law documentation and advising on a wide range of day-to-day employment law issues. Ľubica also has extensive experience representing clients in employment and other types of litigation.
Jan’s main area of expertise is banking and financial law as well as corporate law. He has experience in providing comprehensive legal advice to banks and corporate debtors on credit financing including acquisition and project finance. He also advices on regulatory issues. Jan provides ongoing legal advice to Czech and foreign corporate clients, mainly in commercial law, corporate law, and mergers and acquisitions.
Tomas specialises in corporate law, competition law and public sector regulation, while also engaging in aviation law and EU law. He has experience in providing comprehensive legal advice on the establishment and functioning of corporations and on the assessment of cartel agreements, abuse of dominant position, and state aid from a competition law perspective. He regularly publishes in professional legal periodicals. Because of his knowledge of Italian, Tomas is also involved in taking care of our Italian clients.
Veronika specialises in labour, corporate and commercial law. She provides legal services in the preparation and review of labour law documentation and due diligence. She also offers ongoing advice to clients in dealing with day-to-day HR matters. She further has experience with providing legal advice in corporate restructuring and offers legal support regarding the employment of foreigners in the Czech Republic.
Tomáš Hric provides comprehensive legal advice on corporate law, including mergers and acquisitions, the establishment and liquidation of companies, and corporate compliance. He has extensive experience in intra-state and cross-border restructuring, due diligence procedures, and the provision of acquisition support for both purchasers and sellers. He further specialises in pharmaceutical law, primarily pertaining to price and payment regulations of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, the regulation of advertising, and bonus schemes. In addition, Tomáš focuses on intellectual property law, personal data protection, and consumer law.
He has participated in projects for manufacturing, retail, and pharma corporations and cooperates with foreign investors.
Jakub specialises in banking and finance law and transactional advisory. He has experience in providing comprehensive legal advice on financing issues as well as in sales, acquisitions and transformations of business corporations for Czech and foreign clients. He also focuses on commercial and contract law and regulatory matters.
Martin focuses on representing clients in disputes with tax authorities and in administrative court proceedings in all areas of taxation (VAT, income tax, transfer pricing, excise, and environmental taxes). Martin also advises Czech and multinational companies on tax matters, in particular corporate income tax. His experience also involves international taxation and corporate transformations. Since 2021 he has been a member of the Chamber of Tax Advisors.
Pavlína focuses on civil, commercial, and corporate law. She also handles procedural tax law, tax disputes and advises family businesses. She provides legal advice on corporate transformations for Czech and foreign clients, as well as on the establishment of companies and their subsequent operation, including corporate governance. She also has experience in liquidations and insolvency law.
At KPMG Legal, Sabina has been focusing on corporate law. She utilises her prior rich experience in providing clients with legal advice on corporate governance and business transactions. She further specialises in pharmaceutical and food law, regulations of cosmetic preparations, and contractual issues. She thus has detailed knowledge of specific legal requirements and regulations in these segments of law.
Professionally, Michal focuses primarily on corporate law, restructuring, mergers and acquisitions. During his professional career, he has specialised in the project management of cross-border transaction processes and the coordination of due diligence processes in several jurisdictions. He thus has broad experience in and a comprehensive understanding of complicated legal and business processes. Michal has participated in numerous significant domestic and international projects, mainly in the energy industry, chemical industry, strategic investments, and real property.
In his practice, Jiří focuses mainly on financial law. He specialises in regulatory advice to entities in the capital market, banking, insurance and payment services sectors. He also has experience in preparing transaction documentation in the field of acquisition financing, including the financing of real estate companies. He has handled a significant number of corporate and mutual fund conversions.